St Ayles Skiff

The Skiff to build for racing on the sea. There are the best part of two hundred launched and raced across Scotland, some in England and they can be found in Europe, the USA, New Zealand and even Tasmania!! We started building our first on Arran in February 2015 and launched it in September the same year. It’s a 22 ft Lapstrake (glued clinker) boat built from an NC milled ply kit by Alec Jordan.  This manages to get as close to a one design as possible – competitive without letting builders take advantage of the measurement rules to get an edge! There are plenty of Scottish Coastal Rowing Clubs all over Scotland, many in England and quite a few as far flung as Europe and even the antipodes. It’s a friendly activity and if you find a club and ask for a row you will be seldom refused.

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